Fountain Pens, Ink, Paper & More

Pens in Use: November 6-12 2023

Well, this is new. To this blog, anyway.

In April 2023, I gave up on using the Hobonichi Weeks Mega for planning, and in May I started using it to record my pens and inks in use each day. It’s actually quite perfect for that.

I write the name of the pen and its nib size, the name of the ink, and I score each along with a brief note. At some point, this became redundant since I tend to use the same pen and ink combos for long periods. So if a combo has been scored in a previous week, and there has been no change in performance, then I just have some fun with the ink. I make a rectangle and fill it in, then I draw these snail-looking things because they’re fun… and super cute.

And here are some additional notes on these combos:

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