Living in the Finished work of Jesus Christ

Who are you, Really?

Hello, my friends!

Today I want to dive into what is perhaps the most profound and important question any of us can ask ourselves: “Who am I?” The answer to that inquiry gets to the very core of our identity – the deep essence of our being that shapes how we see ourselves and move through this world.

Sadly, so many Christians receive their identity messaging from all the wrong sources. We look to our achievements or failures, our behaviour, our appearance, the approval or disapproval of others to define our worth and value as people. But as followers of Jesus, those outward things can never be the true wellspring of who we are.

The reality is, our identity is not based on what we do or don't do, how we look, or what others think about us. No, our identity flows from the One to whom we are intimately united – our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself. As Romans 5:12-21 tells us, we have moved from being “in Adam” people, cloaked in sin and death, to becoming “in Christ” people, made brand new creations through His sacrifice.

The Apostle Paul's favourite description for Christians was simply those who are “in Christ.” And understanding this new creation identity is vital for our spiritual health and wellbeing. Why? Because it's not what we do that determines who we are, but knowing who we are that will determine what we do. Our brain, our self-perception, steers the direction of our whole lives. The challenge is that so many of us struggle with having a new Biblical identity, while still operating from an old, toxic mentality about ourselves.

The good news is, we can make this transition from old identity thinking to new identity thinking by renewing our minds according to God's truth. In Romans 6:1-14, Paul lays out four crucial stages for us to walk through in reorienting our minds toward our true identity in Christ:

  1. Know the Truth (Romans 6:3-4)

First, we must know and understand that through our spiritual union with Christ, we have died to the old identity we had in Adam. We have been raised up as brand new creations, with a totally new identity rooted in who Christ is. As Jesus said, “The truth will set you free.” Satan's only power is deception – keeping us in bondage by believing lies about ourselves. We don't need a supernatural power encounter, but a truth encounter to open our eyes.

  1. Believe It (Romans 6:8)

Knowing the truth intellectually isn't enough though. We must choose to believe this new reality about ourselves is true, even when it doesn't feel true. Some Christians struggle because they are “unbelieving believers” – they confess the truth with their mouths but don't fully embrace it in their hearts. But believing precedes receiving.

  1. Reckon It So (Romans 6:11)

To “reckon” means to consider something as true, and relate to it accordingly. It means we consciously conclude that our new creation identity in Christ is reality, and we choose to live like that is the case – even if our thoughts, feelings and circumstances seem to deny it at times.

  1. Present Yourself (Romans 6:13)

Finally, we are called to actively present ourselves to God – offering up the members of our physical bodies as instruments of righteousness in service to Him. We have a brand new nature dwelling within our old bodily “tent.” Where we used to obey the sinful impulses of the flesh, we can now choose to operate from our renewed, Spirit-led selves as God's very own sons and daughters.

Friends, when we embrace these truths and realign our self-perception around who we truly are in Christ, it's deeply transformative in the most profound of ways. We are not defined by our past sins, failures, shortcomings or shame. We are brand new creations whose identity flows from being united with the God who knit us together, walked this earth, died and rose again just to reconcile us to Himself and give us His righteousness as a free gift.

You are loved. You are valuable. You are complete. You are victorious. You are more than a conqueror. Why? Not because of anything you did, but because of everything Jesus did for you at the cross. He took your old sinful identity upon Himself so that you could receive His perfect, holy identity as a beloved child of God.

I know from personal experience how easy it is to slip back into old patterns of toxic self-hatred or feelings of unworthiness. Trust me, I've struggled mightily with insecurity, depression, and viewing myself through the distorted lens of past mistakes. But just a gentle whisper from the Father – just a single glimpse of who He says I am in Christ – shatters those lies and realigns my mind once more.

We don't have to stay stuck in the quicksand of our old Adamic identity. We can celebrate the finished work of the cross, and joyfully receive the new life and inheritance Jesus purchased for us at such a great cost. We are brand new creations, with transformed hearts and minds to walk in the good works God has prepared in advance for each of us.

So let this timeless truth sink in today, dear friends. You are His treasured possession, the apple of His eye, a royal priesthood, a holy nation set apart for His glory. Christ in you, the hope of glory! Your value is not dictated by anything in this temporal world, but by the eternal reality that you are in Christ, and He is in you. What could be more wonderful than that?

Press on in renewing your mind to line up with this liberating truth. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you fresh revelation and insight into the unsearchable riches that are yours in Him. Thank Him for covering you in His unshakable, unwavering love and affirmation as your perfect heavenly Father. And rejoice, because your true identity rests secure in Christ alone.
