Books I have read in the year of 2023 Anno Domini

I attempt a six-word sentence as a response to each book.

Brontë, Whitman, et al. Edited by John Boyes. “Poems that will save your life”.

How they lived, in beautiful rhyme.

Isaac Asimov. “I, Robot”. 1950.

Humans' reliance on powerful robots backfires.

Edited by Carol Ann Duffy. “Empty nest: Poems for families”. 2021.

Children bring pain to affectionate parents.

Josh Larsen. “Movies are prayers: How films voice our deepest longings”. 2017.

Unanswered prayers provoke sympathy in eye-witnesses.

Kahlil Gibran. “The Prophet”. 1926

Eloquent insights on life, as fiction.

Edited by Neil Douglas-Klotz. “Kahlil Gibran's little book of wisdom”.

Scholar arranges delightful nuggets of wisdom.

Alva Huang. “Get up and go: A Christian testimony of Mr. Wong Hui Chew”. 2021.

Illiterate man writes story through friends.

Mark Twain. Edited by M. Thomas Inge. “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court”. 1889.

Arrogant and ignorant, his life fades.

Jai Pausch. “Dream new dreams: Reimagining my life after loss”. 2012.

Wife experiences nightmares when husband dies.

Lewis Hyde. “The gift: How the creative spirit transforms the world”. 1983.

Art works through generosity, not selfishness.

Pope Francis. Translated by Oonagh Stransky. “The name of God is mercy: A conversation with Andrea Tornielli”. 2016

“I am a sinner, forgive me!”

Michelle Min Sterling. “Camp Zero”. 2023.

Some women exploit men. Old story.

Nick Vujicic. “Life without limits: How to live a ridiculously good life”. 2010

God helps limb-less man smile again.

Alvin Pang. “What gives us our names”. 2011.

People love you in your imperfection.

James Joyce. “Dubliners”. 1914.

Men gorge on painful violence, tragically.

Edited by Priya Hemenway. “Ninety-nine names of love: Expressions of the heart”. 2003

Mystics sing myriad melodies in harmony.
