A book by Cynthia Kadohata, “Kira-kira”

I've just finished an audiobook version of Cynthia Kadohata's book, “Kira-kira”.

Although its audience is “young adults”, I had tears in my eyes, at the end.

The narrator, Elaina Erika Davis, did the accents of various characters! One such accent is the unusual combination of a Japanese American accent with a Southern accent (Southern as in a certain area of the U.S.).

Having never met anyone with a Japanese-American Southern accent before – or anyone with a Southern accent – it was a real treat for me to hear that! (Of course, that means I cannot tell if Ms. Davis' accent is “authentic”.... But do I really care?)

I obtained a copy of the audiobook from National Library Board of Singapore! I used the app called Overdrive, to download the audiobook onto my phone.

(I wrote the above words, on 22 September 2020).
