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in today's episode of Hunting For A Script...

Part of an actor's work is finding scripts and today I received one.

It uses the gimmick of body-swap – once popularised in the movie, “Face Off”, featuring Nicholas Cage (1997) – but after reading it, I fear that I will be ashamed of the final work.

The lines are unnatural, although the use of slang is endearing. There is a definite clumsiness throughout the interactions between characters. “Real people don't talk this way,” I thought to myself.

Granted, the scriptwriter may be, quite likely, a 17-year-old youth, inexperienced in society, but low-quality work is low-quality work, no matter how one may try to find extenuating circumstances to explain it away.

Better to turn down this invitation in a polite, amicable yet firm way, than to do something that I will be ashamed of.


Mother and daughter switch bodies for a day, and grow in their understanding of each other's struggles (in the mother's workplace, and at the daughter's school).
