wrote haiku (in two languages: Japanese and English)
my collection of photos with older men (all platonic in nature)
caffeine-free drinks
Plague Diary. This the 1370th day since 1st of March, 2020 Anno Domini.
what is a poet?
Plague Diary. This the 1361st day since 1st of March, 2020 Anno Domini.
postcard to a mother I never had
Wrote a poem: I went to the graveyard
Plague Diary. This the 1347th day since 1st of March, 2020 Anno Domini.
Where do F&B labourers reside, on the island of Singapore?
Plague Diary. This the 1,335th day since 1st of March, 2020 Anno Domini
I was depressed, an alcoholic and an aimless wanderer… but God saved me.
Wrote a poem: You gave me a kiss
Plague Diary. This the 1329th day since 1st of March, 2020 A.D.
Memento mori. This the 1312nd day since 1st of March, 2020 A.D.
wrote a poem: a brief text from the 2020s to Herr Goebbels in the 1940s
Playing with an Italian word, "carna".
untitled poem
Plague Diary. This the 1293rd day since 1st March, 2020 A.D.
The seven types of wives, according to the Buddha