“the yield from wisdom is better than the yield from fine gold”

The titular quote is from the Book of Proverbs in the Holy Bible: Chapter 3, Verse 14.

In truth, more desirable than rubies, silver and fine gold is wisdom.

But who can have enough faith to receive such wisdom? (which God most generously provides to all who ask, without reproach).

I have identified an Internet-user who goes by the moniker of Hanie Unagi. Ms. Unagi writes thus:

Today, I found myself reflecting on addiction—specifically, how I overcame mine. Though I choose not to disclose what I was addicted to, I can say this: I feel an incredible sense of freedom now that I have let it go.

In therapy, my counselor and I explored the roots of addiction. One profound cause stood out to me, not in her own words, but expressed so poignantly in Pia Mellody's Facing Codependence: “Addiction grows out of the absence of healthy love.” This resonated deeply. It felt like my addiction was a symptom of an unmet need for radical, unconditional love—a concept both abstract and profound, yet one I’ve come to understand through my own journey.

For the longest time, I was an agnostic. It wasn’t because I rejected religion, but because I didn’t know which path was mine to take. Eventually, I found my way to Islam, and it transformed everything. Unlocking the spirituality within Islam led me to experience the radical, unconditional love of the Divine. This love empowered me to detach from my addiction, freeing me in ways I never thought possible.

I’ve come to believe that everyone has their own medium of healing. For some, it’s religion or spirituality; for others, it may be hypnotherapy, rehabilitation, or something entirely different. There is no single path, but I am certain there is something out there for everyone. I send my deepest hope that those in pain will find their way to healing.

I used to cry out of pain and despair. Now, I cry because of the overwhelming love and healing I have received. It took years of struggle, introspection, and surrender to get here, but I am finally free. Addiction no longer defines or confines me. My heart overflows with gratitude, and I wish this freedom and peace for everyone walking a similar path. Healing is possible. Freedom is possible. And there is hope for us all.

  • 21 November 2024, 9 PM