To lead the people, walk behind them.

Reminiscences of the Future: Belonging.

Towering trees, they tangle stars like fishes in their cosmic nets.

Antares, vermilion heart, I do not breath the same, this world is not the same.

The tides of time, they flow to Rigel, I sail waters thy.

A silver needle threading diamonds, stitching souls with endless night.

Far and near, narrow and wide,

It's only light that knows the light!

I am thy spark, I know thy light!

In mortar pestling moondust, peace shall behoof, my spar.

Forever has no ending, for yearning fares this far.

A stoup of quick potation, enclave from lunar's fane,

A portion of the morrow is yesteryear's bane.

Inscribed in lucid notion, life-trace, a path, a trail.

Conjured of remotion, the ace of cups shan't pare -

All thirty three birth-flames commended to my care.

I roam eleven alleys at two o'clock at night,

Six Lucifers to spare kindling the lamplight.

The ram of a renewal, the steadfast horned host.

Wards key to golden meaning neath seahorses bearing post.

When cherubim blows shophar, a lightning strikes the sky.

Aye! verily it saith, “the truth is safest lie!”

I shall expand horizons, I shall uplift the veil.

Hold firmly through the passage on forked swallow's tail.

Those who traversed the bottom, need not they fret the top.

My compeer, ye ought remember how I lead ye to that drop?

I held your hand on your last breath, so many times I did.

Don't ye recall the waterfalls cascading at your feet?

My bosom pal, ye grew so numb, don't ye remember time?

The last of first, my maiden fled, skies wept your burnished dime.

I stood beside, I waited ye, I looked ye in the eyes.

I testify, it was no crime, but slay to waken us.

And so I did, no one is just, save virtue of the star.

Thou art my lover. I am thy dream, 'tis life is mere farce.

Each time I kill, myself I die,

How would ye justify?

My Lord, oh please! Thou hast no law to crucify,

Who hangs from collar tie.

I dwell in ye, ye're my last abode, I need ye more than life.

How scant this strife,

Ye're asking what's my price:

I reconstruct whole universe to make ye throw this dice.

I have released the fish, ye're staring in stream.

How dare ye to call me names. Succumb! What's your last wish?

Forgiveness? Time forgets. Reminiscence I need!

One push, we fall. I thus implore, remember boon,

In ye I plant my seed.