To lead the people, walk behind them.

Reminiscences of the Future: by Yggdrasil.

I have been running from myself.

Heydays, stray nights gone past like wind.

No matter how we stretch this empathy, we delve

Into the snippets of procured spate. With stint

Seek sympathy from destiny. As if unwinding genesis:

All gone, all equal in the face of nemesis.

I have been drinking myself sober,

With lucid dreams I've fringed this plot.

In plain sight, inside glass border

I hid revengeance to rot.

I have been self-inflict with rage.

In search for peer I fell victim

When apathy has taken stage,

Rehearsing lines obiter dictum.

I knew I'm trapped by own device,

Caught in fine mesh of misanthropy.

Unshielded in futile disguise,

So trusting, to the point of a cardiac ectopy.

I trust in those you've always been,

In depths serene beneath the stormy surface.

Fill horn of plenty to the brim

With love, compassion and no purpose.

In world of change let's leave em still,

Instill tranquility when lies embroil.

Abandoned I my lucky steed by Yggdrasil,

Who do you think will stand here still, in Rangarok, amidst turmoil?

Seek truth just where lies have fallen through.

Each fall is only measured in proportion

To vertices from which tenets could not hold true,

While bare lies she in the well, below aspersion.

Distort you not the property of none,

Uphold you not the weight of hollow, abnegated notions.

I'll stake my claim on this one,

No matter how you fold or count 'em in portions.

Make no mistake, I blame no one,

I'm the effect of very own causes.

Taste not this bane, the harm's been done

From the hypocrisy, hubris and tiny clauses.

I often say this to myself: Give them no choice, don't feed illusion.

Leave them alone with their hopes.

Your help will only help to propagate confusion,

Bemusement sow among all-knowing, level-headed folks.

I'd rather be like wind, I say,

Be turbulence, unwelcome guest on drunken spree.

With sudden gust strip what is loose,

Shake masts and care not if may

Someone adjusting sail, first luffs up then bears away,

And so it be, I care not, I set them free!

Why? Why should I go regretting thee?