To lead the people, walk behind them.

Reminiscences of the Future: The World of Dreams is Made of Stones...

The world of dreams is made of stones:

Opals, turquoise, lapis lazuli.

Concave and convex shapes and forms,

Shades labyrinth neath soaring domes,

Devoted songs rouse guides unruly.

Inside this world gems flow like river,

In crystal ponds they glow pristine.

Conquer, conquire tiny sliver

From every couplet clandestine.

Beyond the dreams lies world of wind

Soothfast to pillage, strip and rind

To bare bones and your dismay:

Buran, Chinook, Khamsin, Gregale.

Just is this breath that shams unlay,

delusions yarn unwind.

To fly with them need no device,

Need no conspicuous plan or craft,

And upon taking this advice,

The feathered heart shall soar with waft.

Beneath the winds splays world of sea

Whose depths you feel buy never see.

Primordial waters of the dark:

Lapetus, Rheic, Tiamat,

Tethys, Danu,

I drown in you, it's only what you feel is true.

So close you eyes and dream away,

Dip down your toes in milky way.

Skim over marshes and quagmire,

Take gulp of galaxies viscous.

Yet deeper still burns world of fire,

If left unquenched one last desire,

Agni, Aed, Svarog and Ra,

Devour in flames what's left thus far

Of memories, regrets, convoke:

From ashes in the hot Fornax in smoke

Rises the old new Phoenix.

On fiery wings it takes you higher,

To world of Nix that souls inspire.

From aether I the lines indite,

Agate and Onyx rule the night.