To lead the people, walk behind them.

Wakeful Dreams: on Existence.

Existence is a zero-sum game. With the nil in it's origin, it always remain non-existent in it's totality. Zero is the only real and concrete objectivity one can find outside of all the subjective matter. Zero presents itself as a self-evident axiom with the word axiom itself suggesting that the axis, the centre of the wheel, represents zero. A unit or one, for this instance, doesn't offer same credibility as zero, because the existence or the self-evidence of one must be questioned on the ground of probabilities. Quantum physics is a world of voodoo tearing the doll of a rational mind without this assertion, as it is ultimately the probability which determines the existence of a unit (at least to the observer). Therefore, for anything to come into existence, there must be a polarity reducible to zero as there is nothing else as concrete as zero which must always remain the indivisible objectivity. Number one positive exists because there is number one negative and vice-versa. Everything that exists must have a polarity for this matter. The right exists because of the left and vice-versa, the dark because of the light and vice-versa. The totality is always zero. This is why in positional notation zero is added to indefinitely magnify the numbers in both ways – positive and negative. Like the ripples in the water, zero is the centre of an infinite circle. Nil is Everything unmanifested; Everything is Nothing manifested. And how big or how small is the centre of the circle we can never agree ( at least as the observers).

Not one of the sides, or the opposites can come into existence separately or asynchronously. Both must come into existence simultaneously and with the same magnitude. For this reason, the right is the cause of the left and the left is the cause of the right. In the same instance the left becomes the effect of the right and the right becomes the effect of the left. Based on above, cause and effect must always coexist, i.e. cause cannot be independent from the effect and vice-versa.

There is a counterpart to every phenomena, it must be, like debit and credit: every transaction has two sides. When you combine the two, the resultant is always zero, this is the law of balance. For every particle, every photon, there must be a counter-particle. Like countless invisible threads, there must be connections of every particle, body, substance, idea to their counterparts. These connections are not necessary direct, in the logical sense, they are not concerned with the space-time, and can branch out into distant space, future or the past. For this reason they appear instantaneous, not bound by the speed of light, described as nonlocality and entanglement in quantum physics, while in essence it is an application of the law of balance. The tree exist because of its counterpart somewhere in space-time, bring two together and they will cancel each other out, restoring the balance to zero. The counterpart of a tree doesn't necessary need to be the other tree or a 'negative tree', it can be a combination of particles or events, such as one debit doesn't need to correspond to only one credit, there can be numerous credit entries resulting in one debit or vice-versa. This leads to an idea, so many times repeated by the ancients, that the world is an illusion: bring the two opposites together and they will transcend or disappear. In this sense this is so because the resultant is always nil, the totality is zero or Nothing. The only reason world appears real is due to the observer always encountering one side of the equation only, without knowing or seeing the opposite – this we call the phenomenal world. The world of noumena is zero, nothingness or the two phenomenal opposites collapsed.

So the question arises, how and where in the vast nothingness can something unfold or collapse? Zero, by itself, which is also an emptiness, without the axis can be as vast or as little since it is not based in the realms of space-time. Something must provide a point of a coordinate in this amorphous nothingness. This something has to be the mind, the mind of an observer. It serves as a hinge to unfold the opposites, like two book pages glued together, they contain the information, yet yield zero of its content to the reader; mind is that hinge, that stitching which allows these pages to swing open. It provides a joint, a swivel linking the two together. More to it, mind must serve as an entry point into Nothing because it is neither here nor there; it is only a dot of an indefinite size and place in the nothingness and it is nothing more then a point of a coordinate in the somethingness.

While talking about the mind, it should be noted that it is not described in the common sense understanding of a human mind. The mind described here can relate to anything for this matter, be it the global mind, human, animal or an abstract mind.

Nevertheless, the question remains unanswered; how something, even as illusory as mind can spring into existence in emptiness or nothingness? The answer to it lies far beyond any conventional logic or any explanation available to human beings, or any being for this instance. But please, before you accuse me in theism (those accusing me in atheism have given up reading many posts ago), one needs to realise that words have not taken us anywhere so far. The only answer, at least in the slightest comprehensible to logical understanding, is the paradox. The paradox of Nothing containing Everything. It must sound absurd that zero or nil can contain the unlimited amounts of memory and have an unlimited potential. The word potential here is the key, because like the zip files, these immeasurable amounts of memory are reduced not just to the tiniest sizes, but indeed to zero while still containing the potential. It is all about the potentials and not the words themselves. Absurdity, however, is becoming a new frontier for the reason and science is now faced, after all, with the same problems philosophy has been faced for millenias – interpretation versus direct experience, but more on this later.

The above view may look rather similar to the 'many-worlds interpretation', except that the possibilities lie latent or 'unmanifested' outside of the realms of the phenomenal universe. To manifest, or open up those possibilities there needs to be a trigger, a catalyst, which doesn't in fact 'create' extra worlds or the courses of action, but merely 'unfolds' them from the already existing database, if I may.

However, aren't it sound like we just kicked the can down the road? The question may be asked of how and when this unmanifested world of possibilities came to 'life'? Aren't we just shifted the old and tired idea of creation from the phenomenal realms to the world of noumena? I have a safe bet that this line of inquiry will never be resolved except for shifting the focus further and further away from the subject. “God” will always, no matter how far the science will reach, remain an unknown hidden variable. Least skepticism leaves a room to it, whereas faithfuls wont let a bug crawl over their wall of all-encompassing fancies.

It is important to note here, by the way, that we are trying to explain something that is completely outside of the epistemological concepts. The questions “When?”, “Where?” and “How?” themselves become inappropriate and irrelevant. Therefore I say that these realms existing outside of reason and logic are, nevertheless, logical, if not even more logical then our realms, but to a completely different kind of logic where exists no need for questions and answers, no need for explanations. Even the concepts like 'free will', 'spirit', 'dream', 'intent' do not tell us about those realms, except maybe only serving to them as a key. More on this later