To lead the people, walk behind them.

Wakeful Dreams: on Family.

Family is “I” extended. It is as good as me and as bad as me. Family is the first level of an extrapolated “I”. Next levels are made of clans, ethnicities, countries etc. These are all extrapolations, they are as good as me and as bad as me. Family is only a springboard though, nothing less, nothing more. You can't continue holding onto it when you need to jump. Once you have jumped, you go on extrapolating your “I” until eventually everything is included and the whole world is too small. Parents need to let their children jump. Children need not be burdened by their parents' wishes. These wishes are heavier than stones and will bring them down before they even have the chance to spread their wings. Parents need not be servants to their children, neither are they their masters, none of this is respectable, for the children are guests in the parents house. Husband need not insist, wife need not be afraid, for this relationship is a contemptible one. Imbue it with respect instead, and know that love is above family.

All in all, family is the horrid artifact of humankind. Incalculable liveslives have been wasted, sucked out of potentials. There is not a thing more terrible than the unrealized potential. Unfulfilled life, this is the cause of all vice, the ugliest thing. If there is anything like hell, than it is full of embryos, seeds and souls deprived of further potential, doomed forever to exist in an unrealized state.

Humanity needs to break through the dead-ends of obligations. Not by evading the responsibilities and commitments, but by drawing a line and reestablishing the priorities. Onboard cloning, great, but as a self-regulated system of reproduction based on random probabilities (give nature a chance) – the flower of soul will grow through the concrete, thrive in the sands, yet she will whittle in the poisonous grounds of cowardice. We need to shift this archaic paradigm of fear and subordination, outgrow our socio-biological roles. We need to stop imposing morality over human relationships and return back its status of divine wholeness. Only this time there is nowhere to look for divinity but within. Can we grow up? Or do we need a push?

Everyone has been created for a particular purpose. And your creator is no one else but yourself. You yourself have created your purpose and now have no other choice but to live it or you are doomed to misery.