To lead the people, walk behind them.

Wakeful Dreams: on Geometry of Identification.

Semantically, the pronoun “we” is especially confusing; how can first person be also plural? The truth to it is that “we” is not less singular than “I” is plural. Both are nested within each other, just like matreshka, both are vertically plural and laterally singular. Now for the sake of visualization, picture the same matreshka with the imaginary vertical axis connecting each doll. From the bottom tip draw two straight lines running up the sides of the nested dolls inside-out widening up the top. The most outer doll, being the biggest, has the horizontal line topping the inverted triangle. It shouldn't be much of a stretch to now imagine the same structure but with an infinite number of ever increasing and diminishing dolls: you've got an infinite inverted triangle. To go a step further, picture an infinite number of such triangles overlapping each-other in such a way that the wide tops are completely overlaying one another, whereas the bottommost tips always remain unshadowed and standalone ( remember, triangles are infinite, so the tops are ever-approaching singularity and the bottom tips -plurality). This structure is the identity structure where “I” is the vertical axis (ever wondered the elongated shape of a letter designating pronoun “I” and the numeral “1” for the same matter?), “we” is the overlapping at any point and “they” is the seemingly fragmented tips down the bottom. The smallest dolls only are capable of understanding “I” and “they” ( only hypothetically, since infinity never reaches a complete disconnect and some shadowing always remain). Moving out and up the vertical axis, outer dolls are beginning to have some overlap, thus making “we” possible as well. Upon reaching up, the individual vertical lines merge ultimately becoming a singular “I” and “we” at the same time, the interpretation of “they” becomes redundant and absurd.

One should eventually understand that “we” is a vertical structure, a structure extending indefinitely through the multitude of nested “I”.

If you ask whats the significance of all that, I'm sorry to say that you have missed the entire point. It is like the toes on our feet asking the significance of the vascular, nervous or lymphatic systems and the significance of their linkage to the body. Only upon progression to the outer shells do we recognize the consolidated identity and the absurdness of claims on privacy, rights and entitlements.