To lead the people, walk behind them.

Wakeful Dreams: on Immortality.

People will not evade death. They need death like a breath of fresh air. Death is absolutely necessary, it is a reset, like a reset of a computer. Without this reset the memories will start clogging the perception, consciousness, all operating functions and the system will come to a halt. It will freeze causing a tight gridlock unresolvable unless turned off. As technology develops, people will find ways to trick death, but none of these will lead to immortality; instead, they will lead to distortions, system failures and the natural resolution: death. People will learn how to upload the individual ego into a storage; this is not very far, there are machines already that learn people's behavior and can reconstruct the habits of an individual. So if ego is a combination of all behavioral traits than it won't be long until these can be saved and downloaded back into a new carrier. But, this is a 'no through' road: these seemingly revolutionary inventions will cause stagnation of the natural evolution, of the intellect and the spirit. Those who achieve this kind of immortality will inevitably come to a point of committing a suicide. No reward or entertainment can substitute a real purpose: meeting yourself. You cannot carry on kicking the can down the road, feeding yourself with the surrogates of the real experience. Nature will eventually snap taking back its modeling material needed elsewhere in its grand design.