To lead the people, walk behind them.

Wakeful Dreams: on Infinity and the Absence of Cosmological Singularity.

Infinity is the concept that changes everything, everything we know, everything we have done and everything we will ever do. Science refers to the Universe as an observable universe and sees it expanding. The expansion rate can be measured. So the logic and evidence is that the universe appeared from a very condense mass with an enormous amount of energy. And then, it has exploded, resulting in the expansion we are witnessing now. Fine, but there is a childish question that has never been coherently answered from the position of science: what was outside of that condense ball of mass when explosion happened and what do we call that space where this expansion is spreading into? I can tell you, the best word we have to call that space is 'infinity'. Because it is not really a space but a concept rather. Same story with time. What do we call that time before the universe appeared? The time began with the appearance of the universe, isn't it? So, what was there before? Some kind of other time, or no time? Again, it is 'infinity' or the 'eternity' as we call the infinity of time. Infinity stretches further then space and time, it, in fact, doesn't need space or time because it is accomplished in these dimensions, they provide nothing new to it. Space and time do not exist in the infinity without / outside of the observer.

Hold on, but what about entropy and the arrow of time? Isn't it a mathematical and physical law that order moves to disorder and the multiplicity increases in the system moving to equilibrium? Yes, but it is not relevant in the infinity. Infinity is already at equilibrium, because when there are infinite number of states and probabilities, the quantitative and probabilistic interpretations loose their significance, i.e. it no longer matters that the probability of rolling a dice with the combination of seven dots is higher than the combination of two dots (six vs just one). Therefore, the infinity's equilibrium is not necessary in the the most probable state, it can well be in the most improbable state. Imagine a coin landing on its edge – very low probability; however, it doesn't mean the same for infinity, where even 1 in a million chance has the same and not lesser occurrence than 9 out of 10. So, despite being somewhat counterintuitive, infinity can be said to be accomplished and not uncertain since there is not a thing that can be precluded from it. By the way, it appears to me that only infinity can have full and indisputable certainty, i.e. everything is only probable unless infinite/eternal.

There is no question unanswered in the infinite, eternal universe, likewise, there is no question not yet raised. And any question we have about the condition of the universe is truly more so is a question about the condition of an observer. What we now came to consider as the beginning of space and time is indeed the observational bias rather, an event horizon to those on the inside. You see, in order to disconnect from this bias, one needs to acknowledge a simple truth concerning the infinity as such. This bias is stipulated by the idea that a scale of things does matter, however, scale anything to infinity and suddenly no scale can be applied. Big and small are no longer the defining characteristics. Same with the eternity of time: slow or fast – no difference. No difference at all! Let this sink in, infinity is not concerned with the scale. It is workable and perfectly executable at any scale, no matter which reference point you choose, no matter the physics and the mechanics because those are too an observational biase. And if one can't see past the big bang is only because your observational bias and the scales do not conform to the scope of things beyond the finite comprehension.

Imagine, a mosquito that could reflect on its own life lasting just a day or two; would it think that it's life is too short or would it see one day as if it was a century long and those living more than a day to be immensely old? Now, extrapolate this line of thinking and try to fit the life of entire civilizations in a mere second of ours. Bizzare? Not quite if you have no scale and no reference. And this is how the eternity of time works: no scale, no reference. Go on extrapolating and keep narrowing the funnel, past the big bang, past the immense pressure and immense heat, past the trillions of lightyears collapsed into a single quark, past the event horizon and past the time lapse, yet the lines never converge, no matter how close they come, the funnel's walls do not merge continuing to recede further and further into the ever-scalable infinity. In other words, singularity is only an imaginary road post signifying the change of scale sort of thing. And the worlds of immense vastness will comfortly fit and thrive inside the millisecond of a big bang with their laws of physics, intelligent life, space travel and the deliberations about the origin of the universe. To us their life is a fluke and to them our existence is inconceivable nothingness. Similarly, aeons later, our vast universe will appear not bigger than a poit of a needle, a Planck era of sorts, to the beings on the next scale. To them our stars will seem no less elusive than quarks and our vacuum will feel denser than centre galactic black hole. Yet, their world will not be separate from the present universe, nor our present universe is in anyway disconnected from the one prior. Despite a totally different physical realities, they are a representation of one and the same infinity.

Are there other universes with their own infinite worlds? Who knows? Perhaps, one infinity is good enough