To lead the people, walk behind them.

Wakeful Dreams: on Mind.

Memory predicates mind. Frankly, it is memory and nothing else that makes up the mind. Because everything has memory, everything has mind or is mind. People's mind is somewhat different from animal's mind because the quality of the memory is also different. Mind of an element or a material is different in extent from the people's mind because they hold different forms of memory and thus differently shaped. The type, quality and capacity of memory is what differentiates the kinds of beings or their level of beingness. Materials hold the type of uncensored, direct memory, the imprint from the environment they are in and the events that happened to them or are going to happen. Materials' memory has a very low frequency, feels rather solid and mostly unalterable. What records this memory? The material itself, the structure of material is itself the resultant of such memory. The atomic structure of an element is the construct of its memory. For this matter, the structure and quality of anyone's body is the resultant and the imprint of their mind, and thus memory.

The capacity of the mind is solely based on the characteristics of memory, which is both retrospective and prospective. Every bit of retrospective memory creates a binding precedent for a prospective event or a bias for an intent to activate such an event. By looking backwards, mind generates the scope for incentives to go forwards and trigger specific events. Therefore, anyone is free to have or to be whatever they want, but they don't have the freedom to choose their wants. Their wants are constrained by the past precedents and their freedom is constrained by the scope of their incentives. Rock remains a rock because of its incentive to stay a rock, its incentive on staying a rock is the result of its memories of mainly being a rock, thus it has a structure of a rock – an imprint of such memory. The organism has a myriad of conflicting incentives from the memories of its constituent elements; however, it also has an overarching incentive for these elements to stay together. An organism stays together because of its memory of being this type of organism. Without it organism would disintegrate. But what is this incentive that is so important to the integrity of mind and it's embodiments? The incentive is the inclusion, inclusion in a broad sense, an inclusion into this spectacle of life where a story will not be complete without every single character and the actor. A spectacle where even a little pebble has a profound significance to the eventuality of the play. Because when you overlay all the beautiful melodies, you realise that a music wouldn't be complete without those, barely noticed, low frequency notes running in the background.

An organism should not be precluded from also accessing the individual memories of its elements, but these are more subtle compare to the memory of the whole. Neither, it should not be impossible from accessing the memories of other organisms through the memories of similar elements. By practising so, an access to relatively separate bodies can be found, otherwise known as telepathy. Intent is the product of memory and will, mind is the loop of memory shaped by the intent.

Telepathy is the understanding of other entity's intents through finding connections with the elements embodying that entity. This is rather natural because of the similarities on elementary level. Reading the mind in totality, however, is not possible because there always remains at least a subtle difference. Every mind has a dark corner to it which another mind wont understand. It is in that dark corner that the will-power is based.

We are often told that people only use 10 per cent of their mind-power. I assure you that most of us use less then 1 per cent. If we were to use all 10, then mostly all of neural pathways in the brain would be switched on, leading to almost perfect memory and the control over intents. That's what the brain essentially is, a memory-matter. Different kinds of memories shape elaborate neural pathways, some wider, some narrower, some stronger, some weaker, some more, some less conscious. Mind does not 'process' anything per se, it refers everything to the available memory path, i.e. searching for precedent, that's all it does. And because there are too many pathways, often built unconsciously, the entire procedure of referring and matching the memories appears to us as a thinking process. Especially when there are conflicting precedents involved, this leads to a mismatch or a dilemma and the resulting emotions. Therefore, emotions can be used as keys to unlocking the subconscious memories, like computer glitch reports they lead to particular events.

Another 90 per cent of the mind-power are essentially not within the brain. They are available from other sources, just like comparing a computer functioning offline and online. However, just like the firewall in computer, human's mind has a guard preventing it from going online. This guard is reasoning. It doesn't have to be taken out completely, though, all it needs to do is to have the permissions changed from the 'prohibiting' mode to 'allowing' mode. But this appears to be a major challenge because it becomes an issue of trust. Very few are ready to relegate the trust from this guard onto something else, deemed unknown – your true self.

Has it happened to you, to wake up just a second before the alarm going off? I am sure it has happened many times even if you don't remember so, because this fact is rarely registered by the conscious mind. This is believed that the mind has an embedded clock, which is also true because the mind is all about time, but in this instance it is not the mind clock that wakes you up, it is the connectivity between the mind and the device, you may even call it telepathy. In a dreaming state, mind is mostly free from the guard of reasoning, so it may use its inbuilt functionality to 'go online', and it goes connecting to other minds, not excluding the man-made devices. And I would make a remark that 'artificial intelligence' is not different from 'natural intelligence' in principle. So, how does the mind connects? It connects through energies, especially the energies of intent. But before you accuse me of sliding into the realm of metaphysics, I must say that one should be clear that the memory, and therefore the mind, is the precursor of matter, with the latter being the imprint of the former. More on this later.