To lead the people, walk behind them.

Wakeful Dreams: on Purpose.

I am fool enough trying to be smart. And I only wish that one day I'll be smart enough to be foolish. World has never seen a wise philosopher, because anyone wise wouldn't become a philosopher. Wise people live life, they don't bother talking about it. Poets compose poems, they don't bother writing prose, better still, they'll rather sing songs if they had the voice...

A panhandler mistakenly dressed up and taken to a fancy restaurant; ate and drank it all, now how shall he pay? Life is too cheap. Life is nothing in comparison with the delicacies they have given him. But what a fool! Gorged it, swallowed without chewing. Now he's left with the bill, the philosophy and prose – the aftertastes of life. What a fool! What a damn fool!

Shadow, dark shadow in the night. Lurking behind my back. Here you are again. I feel the rough fabric of her sleeve gently running over my neck. Gathering all my courage to turn and look her right in the eyes. Now! But, what a blow: The head wouldn't move, like a sack filled up with wet sand, body doesn't want to obey. It's useless to scream, the windpipe is blocked. Suffocating.

Shadow: “What do you need this life for, you piece of shit?” A hoarse voice emerged from somewhere deep. The grip has got tighter.

A fool: “Need it for my children,” the first thought that came to oxygen-deprived mind. “They need to grow up.”

Shadow: “Wrong, you bastard! They are better off without you. Try again!” The claws are biting into trachea.

A fool: “To achieve something? To do something good? Don't know, don't know, honestly don't know.” The voice barely squeaked as if squeezed from a tube of an old and dried mayonnaise.

Shadow: “You know, son of a bitch! I know that you know. Dig deeper, you prick! OK, I rephrase: what is the purpose of your fucking life? Too much privilege, I ain't giving more chances”– voice groaned.

A fool: Purple and green circles floating in the dark. “To meet you!” – a thought loosed like a last desperate arrow flpiercing through center of the circles. “To meet you here and now!”

“Here and now, here and now.” Went pounding through the ears. “Here and now!”

Purple and green circles turned rose and yellow. A cross emerged as a lingering image of a window frame. “It's day outside! A day in a full swing, warm and bright.”