My Fediverse Blog

A Brand New Start...

Hello and welcome to my blog 😃

Okay, so as the title says this is meant to be a brand new start, I’ve had blogs before, long ago on various platforms, but now I am well and truly settled here on the Fediverse I’m only going to have this one, here on

I don’t think it will get very regular use, just now and again when I feel like writing something larger that what will fit on “Mastodon” or “Bluesky”, it’s a bit like a condom, I’d rather have one and not need it than need one but not have it, or something like that (yes in this case my blog is a condom 🙄 !!!).

It will sit quietly along side my “Mastodon” and my “Bluesky” which are now my main online homes and simply be here if I need it, like the condom 😁…

I have a few interests, photography, art and tropical fish keeping for instance, I watch a lot of TV and movies, I listen to music, I love sport (watching, I’m not able to take part), and of course sometimes I’ll just want to rant or ramble about something that’s piqued my interest, it could be anything. But don’t expect me to be a regular ardent blogger because I probably wont be, it’ll be more of an occasional blog.

That’s it, just a little welcome post, just to get things started and so there’ll be something here if anyone takes a peek 😳, so for now be well, be safe, be happy, byeee


Kev “Pop's” Wheeler...

I am a grumpy old man, a boring old fart and probably about a 90% shut in, and yet I think I'm still kind of a nice guy....