enable SNMP under rkscli for Ruckus access points

Editor's note: I, the author and editor, was mistaken about the granularity at which the SNMP service is configured in an Unleashed set of APs – a summary is accessible at the primary controller AP IP via SNMP. See posted SNMP guide for your version (eg: https://support.ruckuswireless.com/documents/3435-ruckus-unleashed-200-9-ga-snmp-reference-guide/download)

The following is here for posterity – it does fiddle the right bits, but not in Unleashed

Found this while trying to get snmp enabled on all my APs rather than just the active controller AP at a given time (the web UI seems to configure the local to it snmp service).

Thanks to:


rkscli: get snmp
SNMP   enable             : disable

Set up your SNMP details (check help set snmp) and then run the following to enable the service:

rkscli: set remote-mgmt snmp

Now you're cooking with snmp.

rkscli: get snmp
SNMP   enable             : enable