Indirect Mains: jumping into mains for testing & with dynamic deployment config

Here's a problem I was trying to resolve for myself. Being me, a engineer by trade who designs robust and future thinking solutions (so I can be safely lazy later), I have a tendency to over design, over think, and over build for the present scope of need. I've delivered on many of these designs by splitting areas of high return from features & nice-to-haves.. yadayada. Point is that at some point I catch myself before I lose the carefully stacked idea in my mind and make sure I get it out there!

In this case: I had set up a cluster of nodes running Hashicorp's Vault that I wanted to use to vend dynamic credentials for InfluxDB, MQTT, OpenID/JWT Authentication & Verification, Secrets storage, and various KMS functions.

These nodes provide their secrets just fine.. which is good? I promise they're only telling secrets to the right folks. To this very aim I found myself becoming more and more annoyed at the thought that I'd have to write yet another configuration template that I would have to deploy alongside my applications. Instead, I thought: huh, we have this fancy new embed package in Go and it probably could be used to make this a bit better – that'd be neat to be able to use Vault's rich Go clients (and many many other Go based behemoths.. ahem, k8s).


I have a handful of approaches I want to take here.

  1. Provide alternative entrypoint in ELF executable that hits an appended software entrypoint that's responsible for fetching credentials prior to the application starting up. The formatted credentials inserted applicable argv and environment variables by the appended entrypoint then configure the desired end application with runtime fetched secrets and configuration values (the process replaced by exec, or by literally pointing to its address and starting over? I have no idea how to make ELF magic work).

  2. Provide in-memory file descriptors to closed files inherited by a child process

  3. Hook into the native code with wrapping credentials fetches (the “we have the source Luke!” idea where I stop getting fancy). This assumes that the application itself provide an interface to “run it”, like: PlainMain(context.Context, string, []string) error.

  4. (3a) Hook into the native code by sharing entries in the embedded filesystem tree! No idea whether or not this is even possible to do. I learned about the added package just after 1.16 was released. Either way, I'll try this out too.

  5. (3b) Call embedded memory blobs from the embed filesystem and set memory locations with credential bearing cstrings (probably not much better than #!/usr/bin/env sh\n\nexec ./silly -pw Hunter1, really).