I write about things I learn from books, and my observations on being a creator

Time And Attention

A few months back I quipped a colleague for saying he doesn’t have time to time to pursue his hobby. In fact, I for sure know he has the time. It’s not hard to squeeze in 15-20 mins to start a new habit or hobby.

What he (and in most cases all of us) don’t have are attention and energy. Both these resources are far more limited than we think. What I think we should say is

I don’t have the attention required to get this done

I might have 8 hours to get all the work done. But I probably have 4 hours a day for work that requires focused attention. Any effort beyond my ‘focussed attention’ period means I’m physically present, and mentally I’d elsewhere.

Time and attention aren’t the same things. They're barely related.

[Photo courtesy from Unsplah]