my micro-blog

First, a few words about yesterday. Monday 26 Feb. 2024 actually did happen in the Roscoe-verse. And it was actually a pretty good day, all things considered. While I was comfortable doing all the chores tackled on Sunday, doing them drained me more than expected. Monday, therefore, had to be considered a “recovery” day. Despite that, Monday brought a number of extra chores which I handled quite well. But I spent the entire day moving through the fog of getting things done on a “recovery day.” And that kept me away from the mental clarity needed to properly post to this blog until I was just so exhausted at day's end.

There's a lot ahead of me today, but I'm facing it with more energy and more confidence than I had at any time yesterday. I'm expecting this to be a good Tuesday.

posted Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024 at ~9:35 AM #QNFEB2024