Roscoe's Quick Notes
my micro-blog
About me
Pictured here are the boards at games' end of two recent Correspondence Chess...
Friday, and still recovering.
Much of this Thursday morning has been spent tweaking the new OS (Debian 11.10)...
Black resigned.
Yesterday's yard work has taken its toll.
More chess games coming! Oh, my!
A slow, easy Sunday is underway.
Early afternoon Saturday of a day that's already been productive.
You know, one thing that really bothers me about trying to follow WNBA games is...
So much of this day has been spent looking forward to tonight's Thursday Night...
And another good Wednesday winds down.
These Tuesdays that come after a 3-day weekend always seem out-of-synch to me.
Happy Labor Day to any visitors here who note this American holiday.
Last night before bedtime I checked the links on the day's post to my Roscoe's...
Early Saturday afternoon finds this first College Football Saturday of the...
Expect more than a little wonkiness here as I change the note-taking app I use...
Finally got some yard work done.
Indiana Fever
Group winner of Round 1
Queen-Rook-2pawns combination checkmate
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