Roscoe's Quick Notes
my micro-blog
About me
Another pretty good Sunday winds down.
Saturday went well, I'm happy to say.
Friday night and I'm exhausted.
70 degrees
My Birthday Cake
My last day as a 74 y/o has been comfortable and hassle-free.
I think the wife is about to pull a tray of lasagna out of the oven.
One cold Sunday here.
The Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2024 has begun play, and will continue until...
Queen-Bishop Mate assisted by the White Queen
Having a rather frustrating recovery day today.
The discipline of yesterday has paid off.
I'm planning to make this a good Tuesday in order that tomorrow can be a better...
This is shaping up to be a pretty good day in the Roscoe-verse.
This was a good Sunday, considering the ongoing pain and wonkiness of my hips.
This 2nd day without wearing my glasses is going well.
For those who are keeping score...
Update on the cataract surgery, etc.
Home now from the cataract surgery with a serious patch over my right eye and...
Tomorrow at Noon I have scheduled cataract replacement in my right eye.
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