Roscoe's Quick Notes
my micro-blog
About me
I may have "overdone" it again.
This Friday has been a “recovery day,” following on the heals of two busy KofC...
My Thursday will be a long one.
One very full Wednesday draws to a close.
My Tuesday started really early; I was up with insomnia at 03:00 and unable to...
Hard to believe the Summer is half over.
Sleepy time fatigue hits me suddenly these days: I've noticed that.
Made some progress this Saturday morning working on KofC Projects here at home,...
It's been a productive Friday.
The long half of my KofC year ended last night, and the short half starts this...
This evening's KofC Assembly Officers Installation Ceremony and Dinner went...
Had a very successful short business meeting with the manager of the restaurant...
Dang! It's hot!
This was a good Sunday, but a much busier one than I expected it to be.
Taking a "baseball break" in the middle of a busy Saturday.
Rest and prepare.
So I realized late in the afternoon that I'd forgotten to take any pain meds...
It's been an easy, relaxing Wednesday.
A very productive Tuesday is rapidly drawing to a close.
A pretty good Monday is now in the books.
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