my micro-blog

Spending most of the morning at my eye doc's office was not the best thing for my schedule this Friday, but the good news I got there was satisfying. He put me on a schedule to begin reducing the eye drops over the upcoming month. He said everything looks good re: my eyes, and he wants to see me again late April.

I've been assigned pairing in a US Chess 2-player, 2 game email match today. Sent my 1st White move in our game #1 to my opponent and rec'd his reply with his Black move in that game, and his 1st White move in our game #2. So... it's on. In all the years I've been playing Correspondence Chess (CC), I've played lots of postal games, where our moves are sent to each other via post cards, and in more recent years (decades?), most of my CC games have been server-based, played over the Internet. This is the first e-mail match I've ever had. Looking forward to it.

Thanks to March Madness I've got lots of college basketball to listen to in the background as I work on chores here at home.

Never did get to the yard work today. Tomorrow, the front yard!

posted Friday 22 Mar 2024 ~17:00 #QNMAR2024