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Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre :

“The liturgy is a school of humility. You see it in the gestures, the inclinations, the genuflections, the great respect we have for God in the liturgy; by the incensing, the profound bows, and the respect we have for others. That ought to be habitual, to think that men have a soul which is made in the image of God and which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It can't be only in the liturgy that we respect the people around us. It needs to penetrate our whole life and help us acquire that humility with regard to other people.

The Church gives birth to souls, She nourishes them, She transforms them in and through Her liturgy. We can say in truth that the liturgy is truly the bosom of the Church where souls find the complete nourishment, the perfect food of their spiritual life, the teaching of the truth, the appreciation of true values and their hierarchy, the apprenticeship of all the virtues.”

posted Sunday 03/Dec/2023 ~14:05 #QNDEC2023