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Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre :

“Sometimes you may have difficulty finding topics of meditation. Well then, meditate on the life of our Lord. Reconstruct His life. Take the mysteries of the rosary one by one. For the Annunciation, for example, reconstruct in your mind the scene of the Annunciation. There you are next to the Blessed Virgin, facing the archangel Gabriel and near our Lord in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Then for the Visitation, reconstruct the scene: the Virgin Mary leaving across the mountain, her meeting with her cousin Elizabeth, the sanctification of St. John the Baptist and the Magnificat. Or else, look at the most Blessed Virgin Mary staying a few months with Elizabeth to help her cousin, who was already old, and remaining there probably until the birth of John the Baptist.

You can reconstruct all of the scenes of the life of our Lord that way and stay in that atmosphere, in that company of our Lord, of the holy angels, of the Blessed Virgin, of the Apostles. That can only enliven your devotion, your gratitude toward God, your love of our Lord Jesus Christ. That's what holiness is: to love our Lord Jesus Christ above all things, to follow Him and to imitate Him. “

posted Sunday 10/Dec/2023 ~14:25 #QNDEC2023