my micro-blog

When I was seeing Sylvia off to work this morning, I noticed what appeared to be a large plastic sheet entangled around the live power lines where they enter my house near the roof line. Huh! After promising the wife I wouldn't climb up on a ladder until she returned home, I considered my options.

I took the photograph included with this post, thinking I could forward it to CPS (our power company) and ask for advice. I didn't relish the thought of messing around with that much hot electricity without asking for some professional advice. But then I looked at the picture some more, and saw how loosely it seemed to be wrapped. And then I thought about a long, dry, wooden broom handle we keep in a corner of our front porch.

Knowing that dry wood is not a conductor of electricity, and that we've had several dry, windy days here, and that the plastic sheeting must must be dry, too, I decided to poke VERY CAREFULLY at the plastic sheet with the broom handle and see if I could unwrap it from my wires. So, that's what I did. And it worked. I got the plastic sheeting down.

Wednesday, Dec 28, 2022 at 7:30 PM