The Rambles of a Canadian Dork that won't shut up! A Nemes Content Blog.

Hey Long Time No See – A Summer Update

Hey It’s been like… *checks calendar* 7 months since I’ve made a post on here. So here’s a small update since then.

Last time I moved to a new city due to changes with my job leading to a lot of stress, which lead to flaring up some health issues that forces me to take a break from creating content, and a soft break for social media so I could get some of my life in order and adjust to these changes.

Technically I’ve been off of this break since March-ish with me putting efforts into some original shorts but I’ve basically have taken things in terms of bigger projects. I’m better. Things aren’t quite how they were before all the changes, but things are stable, and I know have some support if I need it.

With all that being said I wanted to share some thoughts and plans real quick.

Youtube Videos

Let’s start with my videos. Currently I’ve been working on the 3rd and Final Rumbleverse video, and with any luck should be out this month. I reason this took so long was due to the aforementioned job changes, going to BC for a trip, and Getting sick twice (once with covid, that not fun :D) among other things. I also kept making Shorts instead of focusing on the video, which ended up being important for getting me motivated again, it did drag on the editing stage of the video. This month I’ve paused any shorts creation until the video is complete and uploaded.

With all that said, I’ve accepted at this point, videos or anything for that matter gets done when they get done. It’s really hard to grind on consistently videos when you work for 12 hours a day on a rotating schedule, and then need to do other life stuff. I would love to put all my effort into making the back log of videos I’ve scripted for, but I need to make sure I have money so I can do that.

I think my main strategy after this video is make a back log of shorts for a month, so there’s a steady flow of content while I work on the bigger videos.

I’m also curious about if you guys wouldn’t mind smaller, less edit heavy videos like my video on ProjectKO? I’m skeptical they’ll do well but I’m curious what people think.

About Streams + Channel 4 year anniversary

At the end of last year, I started streaming on youtube and even experimented with dual streaming to twitch. With my work changes, getting demotivated on the last 2 streams, and some fun things I’ve learned about stream elements CEO, lead me to more or less abandoning my streams for the time being.

That being said, I did find out that this is my fourth year of doing youtube and I wanted to do a stream of me going through my old content. Because I liked old dvd commentary tracks, and I find creator’s process interesting, so maybe others would as well. And you know, it’s always entertaining to watch someone cringe at their oldself. I’m still deciding on a date but it will likely being july 31st or August 1st

Afterward I’ll largely be working on videos, however I’ll also be working on seeing if I can transition to Mix It Up or maybe streamer bot but we’ll see, and playing it by ear form there.

Some Social Media Thoughts (The Hell that’ s X(itter))

Hey, guess what guys? A mental health debuff gets lifted when you don’t have twitter on your phone notifying you of Bad takes, and whatever Elon’s pushing down your throat. I also highly recommend if you need to still use the hell site, Block liberally, and use lists for vibes and friends, when you don’t want to see the algorithm’s sludge.

A post I made on the AT Protocol Powered Whitewind Talked about my current feelings about still using Twitter as that’s where many people I follow, and my mutuals and friends are on there I want to keep up with them. However, the constant enshittification of twitter, and Elon’s clear bias and affiliations has made it clear that using it is morally complicated.

I’ve made the decision that after I make the Rumbleverse post, and the Anniversay stream I’ll severely being limiting my use with Twitter as a test for about a month or 2. While I enjoy tweeting about Proportional Representation, and tweeting at my friends, my time with having twitter off my phone made me realize most the twitter information is not very useful and I’m better of not geting stuck in doomscrolling. I also want to actually try not being as active on twitter will change anything.

I plan to instead post more casually on Blueksy and ActivityPub (Mastodon) when I do. I’ve been enjoying my time both platforms far more than twitter, but I’m still learning more about them. Consider joining or subbing via rss ;>. But first thing first, I got to post the rumbleverse video.

With all that said, I still need to better about my social media useage as I could be better about using Bluesky and Mastodon too. While they’re marginally better communities (atm), Spending the same amount as I would on twitter is still ultimately counter productive. I’ve been making a move to cut down on the notifications I have on my phone and other places as these places do not need my constant attention, and I’ve found it helps with some of my social media compulsion, though I am finding I need to start replacing the compulsion with better habits. I know I’ve been saying things like that for years, but this is a process I’m trying to get better with.

About this Blog

I want to get back into using this blog. I can’t promise much consistency, but I do have a few ideas for articles on here for if/when I can find the time. Mostly because I miss posting on here and I’ve neglected it. I even have a few idea of what I could right, like more about my feeling son modern web, Tips, rick and applications I’ve collected over the years, and probably even some Guides for Mastodon and Bluesky that I’ll make accompanying videos for. The Possiblities are endless!

Eventually, a friend might be helping me more with actually making a site, but that’s probably in the distant future. For now this is the best place to see me ramble! I’ll be sure to post it on the socials, or you can subscribe via RSS or even email (remember that? lol)!

and that’s about it. I’m going to go sleep now. Until then I’ve been Nemes

A Nemes Content Blog 2022.