The Rambles of a Canadian Dork that won't shut up! A Nemes Content Blog.

I guess I shold revive this blog huh?

I really need to use this blog more. I’m starting to see why so many blogs are seem to have gaps in between posts….

Originally I was going to have a long update post that would be a companion to an update video I did for the youtube channel. One big theme of that video was me grappling with my mortality a bit, and wanting to complete more things like videos. The problem is that a lot of things I want to talk about has this issue of being time sensitive, and as much I want to make videos, working a job that leaves drained on my days off is making that quite hard. Because on top of writing, I also need to record audio and video, and make that all come together for editting. Which takes time, and while I am trying to prioritize videos accordingly I unfortunately do not have unlimited free time.

So that will be where this blog comes in. A place for not only scripts for videos (because ), but thoughts that may never become videos. This was always the plan but with the advent of the US Election, the upcoming Ontario, and Canadian Elections, Gen AI running rampant, knowledge straight up being wiped from public record and access, and ever growing internet lost media… There are somethings I should comment on and at least write about in case my video momentum is stopped for whatever reason.

We’ll see how long I can keep it up. just wanted to make a quick update to say that I’m not forgetting this place.

A Nemes Content Blog 2022.