The Rambles of a Canadian Dork that won't shut up! A Nemes Content Blog.

So... An Update, were I've been, and the (Near) Future

Heeeeyyyyy… long time no see. Ah ha ha… So how are you. #update

Okay last post I said I was going to do one last big push of content before December where I was going to take a break. Yeah a lot has changes since then.

By the end of that same month, my job went from a work at home situation to coming into the office. With being several cities over that means I have to move closer to my work, and move fast. This what I’ve been stressing about and have not been able to work on videos since the beginning of October.

I have found a place but I still need to get through of the paper work and such. Seeing as this will be a big adjustment for me, I won’t be working much on videos until I am settled and likely won’t start uploading until next year but we’ll see.

In The Meantime

I won’t be completely dormant but I will use this time to finish up my script for the final part of my rumbleverse trilogy and some graphics related stuff. I think it’s the right balance of letting me adjust to my new living situation, and still be working on some stuff for the channel.

Mostly this means scripts and assets. I’ve taken a liking to the overlays bunnii has made for me, and I kind of want to lean into that more into that kind of vibe and aesthetic (Psst, By the way you should commission him! he does good work). With any luck once I’m adjusted the channel will have a new look a be little more polished. Plus I might have a png for streams but we’ll see.

Next Year’s Plans

So what does that mean for next year? Well being on my own I won’t need to worry about making too much noise around family, and I don’t need to schedule around them as much being in different living spaces. Also well my work schedule is kind of wonky I can at least see one day a week where I can just work on stuff.

I have many things that I want to do and videos to make. The first big focus will be on the last rumbleverse video I plan to release on the anniversary of the game shutting down. Not only do I need to finish that script but it’s the perfect time release video.

Around the same time I want to make an update video about this change officially, a complication video of this year’s best moments, and even separate one for only the original shorts.

From there, I’m going to start working through the videos I have on the backlog which are largely tech related. Video games will still be a topic on the channel, (and I will even be doing streams when I get back in the swing of things), but I did find some of my most fun was on the capture card videos, and I feel like those videos capture a kind of thesis statement I want for the channel. AKA silly Canadian man streams of conscious is way through a a tech adventure…

I have numerous videos that I have planned with that in mind, including that damn linux I keep talking about. I won’t a schedule for when these come out but as I’ve said: I am hoping with a room to myself I can set aside at least one day a week to recording/editing as opposed the current get as much done before the house gets busy I had going for 2020-2023.

There are other big video ideas I have in the works but I wish to keep more secret as I’ve yet to even write a script for them. You’ll likely hear about them in the update video.

Shorts are a blessing and a curse for the channel. It’s a bit of a curse because I do want to be making full length videos, but a blessing because it has allowed me to reach wider audience, even with the at time confusing algorithm. Before my forced hiatus, I worked

And finally Streams. I’ve enjoy the fews streams that I’ve done and I’ve decided that I want to continue playing cassette beasts on the channel. I also might look into multi streaming sometimes for that sweet sweet twitch integration, but I want to focus on testing Multistreaming first before committing that.

Aside from that we’ll see. Streaming is a way for me to occasionally get footage while still interacting with views and some of my friends I new frequent but it all comes down to how much time I have and what I’m doing.

Finishing thoughts

I have a lot I want to do this coming year. I want to make more videos than I did this year. I want to share my enuthizam for tech, and some of the cool things happening in the space I think is neat. I want to push some of my creativity wherever I can. I want to see just how far I can take the channel within the next year.

If you’re new, you can see the YouTube channel here.

I’m even thinking about opening a Patreon, and Ko-fi. Might even make shirts I have ideas for. But those are lesser concerns right now.

I have a good feeling about next year, and I hope that you can join me in the next part of this journey.

A Nemes Content Blog 2022.