To Federate, But How?

Thanks to all those who provided feedback on yesterday's musing. The general consensus is that the 'drop' in readership is a result of my posts no longer being syndicated on read As a short term fix, I have linked my Ghost blog with to see if the reading statistics tick up again. If so, the experiment will have proved the hypothesis. Or more properly, it will not disprove the hypothesis.

Assuming I have a working assumption, next step is how best to manage this long term. Does it mean using for my article creation platform and leaving it to cross post to Ghost? It also raises questions about cross posting to other platforms such as Medium, and other communities which are the natural hunting ground of avid readers. Perhaps the solution is to find a way to cross post to a number of key environments? But it would be best to do this automatically as the idea of manually posting to a series of platforms seems unnecessary in this age of automation.

Clearly some research is needed for the most efficient way to manage the process. Have you found a solution to this conundrum? Any suggested reading material or implementations would be appreciated.

Good night and good luck.

This post is day 067 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. If you want to get involved, you can get more info from