Tranquility Reflected

Day 83 of the 100 day challenge and I have drawn a total blank. I have faced writers block before, but often this has been a catalyst to a post as it has caused me to muse on mental indigestion, the void and how these help me to overcome the struggle with topic.

Today is different, in that I normally feel a restlessness with not being able to conjure a topic. This inner struggle is the catalyst for the creative juices.

Today, I feel the most wonderful tranquility. Without meaningful agonism, a topic isn't emerging from the primal soup of my mind.

Thus dear reader, till next we meet when I trust I shall have richer literary pickings for your delectation.

Good night and good luck.

This post is day 083 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. If you want to get involved, you can get more info from