Fantasy, horror, and science fiction reviews

Capsule Review Archive – Blue Estate Volume 1

This review originally appeared on Goodreads on August 6, 2012.

Blue Estate Volume 1

By Viktor Kalvachev (Writer/Artist), Various – Image Comics – September 27, 2011

Review by Robin Marx

I picked this comic up after seeing a glowing review on BoingBoing, but unfortunately the content doesn't live up to the fantastic issue covers. The interior artwork is a massive disappointment. Characters are all rendered in a sketchy style that makes it hard at times to keep track of just who is who. Characterization is likewise rendered in broad strokes, with much dependence on cliche (there's a Russian gold-digger, Italian thug, Eastern European dealer that can't resist his own product, etc.). I've been searching for a hardboiled crime comic that can live up to the standard set by Andrew Vachss's novels and TV shows like The Wire and The Shield, but it looks like my search continues. I'm not going to bother picking up future volumes.


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