Fantasy, horror, and science fiction reviews

Capsule Review Archive – He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Minicomic Collection Volume 2

This review originally appeared on Goodreads on July 27, 2020.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Minicomic Collection Volume 2

By Various – Dark Horse Books – November 3, 2015

Review by Robin Marx

Like the first volume, this collection delivers a fun look at the mini comics included with the Masters of the Universe toy line. In addition to the later He-Man mini comics not included in the first volume, this book contains the She-Ra: Princess of Power mini comics, the few that were produced for the more space opera-oriented New Adventures line, and some fun fan service-filled comics that were created for the recent Masters of the Universe Classics toy line for adult collectors.

While the volume itself is assembled with every bit as much care and attention to detail as the first, it suffers a bit in that the stories included aren’t quite as entertaining as those contained in Volume One. While the entire line was conceived as a marketing instrument to promote toy sales, the earlier comics had more of a “wild and wooly” feel. As the comic line progressed, the formula became a bit more repetitive and the commercial aspect slightly more obvious. This book is still a fun read and a worthwhile companion to the first, but I missed the weirdness and mystery of the first comics, where the setting of Eternia was less developed.


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