Fantasy, horror, and science fiction reviews

Capsule Review Archive – Remember Why You Fear Me: The Best Dark Fiction of Robert Shearman

This review originally appeared on Goodreads on June 23, 2016.

Remember Why You Fear Me: The Best Dark Fiction of Robert Shearman

By Robert Shearman – ChiZine Publications – November 1, 2012

Review by Robin Marx

Like most short fiction collections, this book is a mixed bag. The best stories (e.g, “George Clooney's Mustache”) are quite good, but the book is dragged down by a number of competently-written but uninspired stories. Making matters worse, most of these are concentrated in the second half of the book. The ebook edition includes a few stories not found in the print version, but all of these could have been cut without being particularly missed. Another slight disappointment was that the stories were mostly dark fantasy with a level of creepiness on par with Neil Gaiman, rather than the truly unsettling early Barkeresque horror suggested by the book's ridiculously badass title and cover artwork. Overall I enjoyed the book, and will keep an eye out for Shearman's work in the future, but it didn't live up to the cover.


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