Fantasy, horror, and science fiction reviews

Capsule Review Archive – The Only Good Indians: A Novel by Stephen Graham Jones

This review originally appeared on Goodreads on November 6, 2021.

The Only Good Indians: A Novel

By Stephen Graham Jones – S&S/Saga Press – July 14, 2020

Review by Robin Marx

Brisk and thoroughly entertaining, this horror novel centers on four Native American men stalked by a vengeful spirit ten years after shooting a pregnant elk.

The pace and narrative are both extremely engaging, but the highlight for me was the characterization. The characters grapple with their ethnic identity, poverty, lifestyle choices, and feelings of obligation to and entrapment by the reservation from which they all originate. Their view of the world vividly comes across through the prose and choice in metaphors.

The only real issue I had was close to the end of the book, where an incredibly tense and bloody sequence is followed by…an extended one-on-one basketball tournament. While I understand what the author was trying to do, it wasn’t very interesting for this non-sports fan and killed much of the momentum built up during the preceding chapter. The book still has a satisfying conclusion, but the basketball stuff felt tedious and extraneous.

Overall, this book was exceptionally well done and I look forward to reading more by the author.


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