The Existential Perspective offers insights on spiritual self-mastery through existentialism, guiding you to overcome insecurity. and reclaim your power.

Your Journey Begins Here

Welcome to Sacred Inner Evolution! I’m Della Wren, and I’m so glad you’ve taken the time out of your busy day to join me here. Chances are, if you're reading this, you're seeking guidance, clarity, or even that big “ah-ha moment” that sparks meaningful change in your life. That’s exactly what I aim to provide on this blogging journey—offering you the inspiration, tools, and insights to feel empowered through self-mastery, self-awareness, and personal transformation.

The blog is called Sacred Inner Evolution because the process of self-mastery creates an inner evolution within us. The more aware we become of our thoughts and feelings, the more we learn to manage our inner world. By managing our inner world, we can feel better inside, even if the outside world doesn’t change.

Navigating life is complicated at the best of times. There are so many things that we need to think about, consider, plan for, and work around, that it seems like we never get a break. There always seems to be something that’s changing. Change seems to be the only thing that persists. But there is one other thing that persists in our lives and that’s us. We are the constant, common denominator in our own lives, and very often, we forget to consider that. We forget to consider the impact we have on our own experience. That’s where self-mastery can help.

Self mastery encourages us to consider the impact we’re having on the situation. It encourages us to consider our responses or reactions to what’s happening. It encourages us to consider how the pain we hold onto affects those responses and reactions. It encourages us to consider how we can heal the pain so that those same responses are no longer influenced by pain. One of the ways we can do that is by becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and feelings are giving us clues as to how our pain is affecting us. All we really have to do is pay attention to that and make the effort to heal it.

For example, when someone criticizes you, how do you react? Do you get offended and mad, or do you thank the person for their suggestion and walk away? If we take the time to question why we get upset at criticism, especially when it comes from specific people, we will find there is pain within us that needs healing. When we can look inside ourselves at the pain we’re holding onto, without blaming others or the situation for creating it, we can begin to see how our reactions affect our relationships more objectively.

“The purpose of this blog is to offer you personal stories, suggestions, tips, and hopefully some inspiration as you work toward your own self-mastery. I don’t claim to be an expert or a psychologist. Over the past 10 years of practicing self-mastery, I’ve discovered tools and insights that helped me navigate my own life, and I’m sharing these in hopes they’ll help you too. I’m far from perfect. I’m still very much a human being out here doing the best I can. If I can make a difference to somebody else who may be on the same journey, then the thousands and thousands of words I’ve written over the years have been worth it.

We live in a world of blame. Every news story focuses on trying to find somebody to blame for whatever the latest problem is. Very rarely are we encouraged to look within ourselves to understand why we feel the need to place so much blame on so many things. If we simply stopped for a minute and looked within, we could find the painful trigger that caused us to tell the story of blame, heal that, release the blame, and allow the experience to be what it is. We would stop needing so much control over the world around us. Self mastery is critical in a world filled with blame because it is the only way to release the blame. To truly create self-mastery, we must take responsibility for ourselves. This means letting go of the need to blame others for how we feel and think.

If you’re intrigued and want to dive deeper, I encourage you to subscribe to the blog. You’ll receive email notifications every time I post something new. For even more insights, inspiration, stories, tips, and access to courses, check out my Sacred Self Mastery podcast on Patreon, or consider working with me one-on-one. You can find all the details at

Love to all.


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