Under Wessex Skies


the last few weeks simply highlight the fact that what we have politicians who are incompetent, vainglorious, self serving buffoons.

Boris Johnson utters some nonsense that could result in an innocent British citizen being held in an Iranian jail for another 5 years. Priti Patel holds high level meetings with the Israeli government without bothering to tell anyone of her plans. The Pestminster furore rumbles on and now there is outcry over the tax avoidance schemes of the rich and powerful. But where is the uproar about the greatest injustice of our time?

Ordinary working people continue to suffer the consequences of the financial crash, leaving those least able to do so to shoulder the financial burden. Ten years after the crash and the gap between average earnings and the tax avoiding super rich grows ever wider, pensions are worthless and housing is unaffordable.

With Brexit looming on the horizon there is a need for strong and competent leadership. Sadly the events of the last few weeks simply highlight the fact that what we have politicians who are incompetent, vainglorious, self serving buffoons. They stumble from one crisis to another, more concerned with winning elections and promoting their own careers than properly addressing the problems that confront us. The future looks bleak.

7th November 2017

#brexit #politics #society