Under Wessex Skies


When should the lockdown end?

So when should the lockdown end? In a year, 2 years, 10 years, however long it takes for the vaccine to be discovered, manufactured and rolled out?

In the meantime what about the physical and mental health of those who lose their jobs as the economy crashes? What about those people who, upon discovering an unusual lump, decide not to get it checked out? Maybe they’re scared they might catch something at the hospital, and so instead succumb to cancer in the months that follow.

As a society have we become so risk averse, we won’t venture out “just in case”? Or is it that for the vast majority of people it is the first time they have had to face their own mortality?

Covid-19 is a nasty virus, but it cannot be allowed to shape our lives. Fear should not stop us living.

9th May 2020
