Under Wessex Skies

One Hundred Days

The true awfulness of this pandemic is beginning to sink in.

It is apparently one hundred days since China submitted the first report of a covid-19 case to the World Health Organisation. How the world has changed since. As we approach the end of the third week of lock down, there is no prospect the restrictions will end anytime soon. There is some suggestions that no significant decisions will be made until Boris Johnson is well enough to lead the country again.

I went into the local Co-Op earlier to pick up provisions. For the first time since the crisis began I had a real sense of dread. There was no control over numbers entering the store and inside people were just milling about as normal. They were all getting too close for my liking, and I could not get out quick enough.

A friend's mum died over the weekend. She was being cared for at a care home, and whilst frail, she was otherwise well. However, it seems she contracted the virus, presumably from one of the carers, and succumbed very quickly. Because she had the virus she was on her own, her family was not allowed to be with her at the end. Now the family does not know where the body is. There will not be a funeral. Her body will be cremated. In due course the family will be told when and where they can collect her ashes. I can't imagine how my friend is coping at the moment.

The true awfulness of this pandemic is beginning to sink in.

9th April 2020

#china #coronavirus #politics