Somewhere Under the Skies of Wessex


This is another assault on Western Society. This was not just an attack on a minority group, it was an attack on liberal society.

And once again our screens are filled with the news that dozens of innocent people have been murdered. This time however the incident has quickly descended into an argument about minority rights, homophobia, Islamophobia, the right to bear arms, and the Liberal Left tying themselves up in knots.

Some are claiming this as a hate crime against the gay community. Yes, it was a gay club that was attacked, and yes the perpetrator was undoubtedly homophobic, but we should recognise what happened in Orlando for what it is. After Brussels, and the Bataclan, after Charlie Hebdo and the murder of Lee Rigby, this is another assault on Western Society. This was not just an attack on a minority group, it was an attack on humanity, it was an attack on liberal society.

The common theme linking each of these attacks is Radical Islam. The formulaic response to these attacks is adding flags to profile pictures, while others will attend vigils singing songs by candlelight, proclaiming that love will overcome. Sadly love is not enough. Nothing will change until the Government accepts there is a problem with Radical Islam and take action to deal with it effectively. Of course that won't happen. The fear of being accused of Islamophobia now seems to trump homophobia. Those in power will not call Muslims out on their anti-gay rhetoric. As one commentator noted, the gay community is now being sacrificed on the alter of political correctness.

Another important element of this attack is however one the Americans have brought on themselves. Gun control. The killer was wielding a semi-automatic rifle. This was a man suspected by the FBI as having links to ISIS and al-Qaeda. This was someone who his former wife says was mentally unstable. And yet he was able to buy a rifle that serves no purpose other than to kill people. Whatever motivates these killers the fact they can readily lay their hands on assault rifles leads inevitably to large numbers being killed and maimed. Making guns so readily accessible that anyone with murderous intent can obtain one is criminally irresponsible.

Sadly, there will always be mentally unstable individuals who will want to hurt and kill others. Identifying and dealing with such people will always be very difficult. However America can take action to control access to guns and thereby deprive these people of the means to commit acts of mass murder. Until they do so killings on the scale seen in Orlando will be repeated.

14th June 2016

#politics #society #terrorism