Somewhere Under the Skies of Wessex


When our leaders are more concerned about political correctness than protecting their citizens from crazed Islamic fundamentalists, you begin to realise how far removed from reality they are

The shortest day of the year. I am sat drinking a coffee watching as people go about their business, making their way through the pre-dawn gloom. Everything seems quite normal. You wouldn't think that in the last few days a Russian Ambassador has been assassinated in Turkey and that a lorry deliberately driven into a crowded Berlin Christmas Market. More terrorism in a year that has been peppered with atrocities. It seems like this is the new normal. I can't imagine next year will be any different. The atrocities will continue and on each occasion candles will be lit, vigils will be held, and leftist liberals will tell us Terrorism Has No Religion.

And meanwhile our politicians will just sit on their hands, doing nothing for fear of being branded Islamophobic. When our leaders are more concerned about political correctness than protecting their citizens from crazed Islamic fundamentalists, you begin to realise how far removed from reality they are. Is it any wonder the right wing nationalist groups are growing in popularity across Europe?

Merry Christmas

21st December 2016

#politics #terrorism