Under Wessex Skies


The EU has become a self serving, corrupt, Byzantine bureaucracy that has become more important than the people it is supposed to serve

Friday. It's the day after the referendum, and the country has voted to leave the EU. When I went to bed the indications were that Remain would win. This morning we find the result is 52/48 in favour of leaving. I voted to leave because I do not believe the EU is democratic. It is a project created by the politicians. It has become a self serving, corrupt, Byzantine bureaucracy that has become more important than the people it is supposed to serve. The way Greece has been treated is a prime example of the disdain with which the EU holds the people.

The calls for a second referendum have begun, but I would say that we do not need one. We have voted and the majority decision was to leave. The process of negotiating withdrawal will take years, which will mean years of uncertainty. Difficult times lie ahead, but I think in the long term Britain will confound the doubters, and the country will prosper.

24th June 2016

#brexit #eu #politics