Somewhere Under the Skies of Wessex


They don't seem to understand they also have a responsibility to society

Following the tragic death last week of the police officer in Berkshire, I read an article suggesting that what happened arose because there is a complete lack of deference towards those in authority. Whether we're talking about the police, teachers or politicians, it seems to be acceptable to be rude and uncivil, if not outright aggressive.

I don't know whether the problem is a lack of deference or if recent generations have grown up not understanding the meaning of respect for others. It seems to me that children are being brought up to think their rights and desires are paramount, that nothing and no one should be allowed to stand between them and what they want. They don't seem to understand they also have a responsibility to society as a whole to act in a way that does not harm others, that sometimes their wants are not the most important consideration.

Maybe if they understood that, there would be fewer examples of young children causing mayhem on inner city estates, fewer problems with knife crime and respect of the authority of the police.

20th August 2019
