Under Wessex Skies


The lockdown is to be extended by another three weeks

It seems the lockdown is to be extended by another 3 weeks, although there is speculation the restrictions will be eased. After Sunday we might be able to sunbath, go for unlimited walks or out for picnics. No word yet as to whether we will be able to meet with loved ones.

The impression one gets when speaking with family and friends is the sense of growing frustration. At first the lockdown was quite exciting, something very different, an extended holiday for many. Now people just want to get on with their lives. Yes, there is a risk, but everyday life is spent trying to avoid an early grave. Wear face masks, maintain social distancing, wash your hands; if we take precautions, why can we not return to something approaching normality? There are some who for medical reasons will have to continue to self isolate, but there are enough of us volunteers that these people can be provided with all the practical care and assistance they require.

I can't wait for the restrictions to end. Life at home is relaxed, too relaxed, and there are only so many books you can read, only so many tasks around the house that need completing. In fact, I am doing less of either during the lockdown. A lethargy has set in, and doing any activity leaves one feeling tired. Afternoon naps are now part of my daily routine; it's something to do to pass the time I suppose.

Right, time for another cup of tea.

7th May 2020
