Under Wessex Skies


The bigger problem is the looming economic crisis

Neil Ferguson, the scientist behind the government’s decision to impose the lockdown, has resigned. It seems he has met with his lover on a number of occasions, ignoring his own advice to maintain social distance. He had little option but to stand down.

Meanwhile, the number of people dying with covid-19 has passed the 30,000 mark; the UK’s covid related death rate is now apparently second only to the United States. The media has gone into a frenzy, demanding to know why the figure is so high. What they don't appear to be asking is just how accurate are the figures produced by other countries? Can they be believed? What about other factors, such as population density, the average age and general health of the population pre-covid, whether the same strain of the virus is present in each country?

Mistakes have been made, but now is not the time to begin the inquest. That can wait; the bigger problem, and one which will crash down on society soon is the looming economic crisis. It is out of site, but is just over the horizon. It is coming. The government must concentrate on getting the country back to work before too many more businesses collapse and before we tip into the deepest of recessions.

6th May 2020

#coronavirus #politics