Somewhere Under the Skies of Wessex



Hamas still hold about 130 hostages, seized from Israel last month, and for the moment the cease fire is holding.

On October 7th, Hamas crossed the border into Israel and slaughtered 1400+ innocent civilians, children, babies, the elderly amongst them. Before Israel had even launched its response, Palestinian supporters were on the streets of cities around the world, celebrating Hamas' strike for freedom. Even as the video footage taken by the terrorists was published, and which showed the sickening depravity of the butchery, the pro-Palestinian marches continued. Their supporters try to justify the killings as a response to Israeli occupation, while others claim it was the Israeli's themselves who carried out the attacks.

Since the slaughter reports of antisemitism in this country have reached unprecedented levels. Massive demonstrations have taken place in London, with the crowds calling for jihad and the destruction of Israel. British Jews no longer feel safe on the streets of our capital. Week after week, the marches take place, and nothing is done in response to the hatred some of the protestors spew. And so they become more brazen.

Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented

Elie Wiesel

Today we learn that a council in east London has scrapped plans to install a Chanukkah menorah for fear of “inflaming community tensions”. The Metropolitan police meanwhile warn the public to be vigilant before Christmas fearing a terrorist attack. So much for our lauded multi-cultural society.

The barbarians are amongst us, and given half a chance they will slaughter more innocents. For the sake of clarity, by they I mean Islamist Fundamentalists. Theirs is the only religion which is so profoundly violent that it seeks to destroy all non-believers. Whose supporters bully and cow their opponents and whose adherents think nothing of butchering innocent people.


The response of some (many) to the 7th October massacre in Middle Eastern countries was predictable. But to see the same reaction here in the UK has shocked me. I begin to see now parallels with 1930's Germany, and to be frank it is deeply worrying. Whatever else, we must maintain our support for the Jewish people of this country.

For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing

Simon Wiesenthal

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