Under Wessex Skies


The governments strategy is simply unsustainable, and at the very least Parliament needs to be allowed to debate it.

I woke up angry this morning, not sure why, but I was in no mood for fools. It didn't help my state of mind when I read a tweet issued by Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care to give him his full title. He said;

Our strategy is to suppress coronavirus while protecting our economy & education until a vaccine arrives.

Until a vaccine arrives? We were told earlier this year that a vaccine could be available in the late summer, then they hoped it might be ready by the end of the year. The truth is they do not know when or even if a vaccine will ever be available. It could be months, it could be years, it could be never. We must learn to live alongside the virus, protect the vulnerable but otherwise try to get back to some semblance of normality. The alternative is the utter shattering of the economy, people losing their livelihoods and homes, and more people dying needlessly from illnesses other than the coronavirus.

The governments strategy is simply unsustainable, and at the very least Parliament needs to be allowed to debate it.

30th September 2020

#coronavirus #politics